I know alot of you out there really don't want to listen to one of a pair rave about her wonderfully cheesy valentines day...but in 35 years of a nothing-special holiday, I deserve to tell.
As you may have read, I struggle with the commitmentphobic, single, independent "I don't need anyone" "my eggs are getting old" mentality - and my unexpected, wonderfully romantic, wants a family faster than I can blink, but sometimes needy and a little smothering, much younger, but more mature than I am boyfriend (he is 12 years younger.)
No one ever expected this wild child would ever settle down with someone completely opposite. But lately, quite alot actually, we have been seriously discussing marriage. GG is seriously considering buying a house. Folks, it is going down this year. For sure. It is just a matter of when. I'm freaking the fuck out.
My mother phoned a few nights ago - " just checking in" she said. This means, she sensed I was needing her. She is spooky like that. So I begin to tell her that GG is considering purchase a house...blah, blah, blah, how do I know when it is right to get married....blah blah blah...and oh, yeah, mom - why am I so afraid of taking this next step? Why do I constantly have to control everything? By the way, can you send me your brownie recipe? And if you had to do it all over again - get married, that is - would you?
(She was married to my read father for 11 years, divorced him and then and married my stepfather 1 year later and they've been together for 26 years.)
"Yes - but only to your stepdad." That's it, it's just got to be the RIGHT guy! "Are you afraid of losing your independence?" She asks. I immediately defend GG and say that he lets me do whatever I want..."NO," she interrupts, "are YOU afraid that somehow your independence will get lost if you marry this man?"
*Pause* Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink.
"Yes. I am terrified that I will not be the same person. Cool. hip. Empowered, crazy wild do-anything Spitfire."
"Darling, you must have a little faith that everything will work out."
*Pause for revelation*
I've been searching for all these answers about God, religion, oneness, wholeness. It's staring me in the face.
"Mom, you know I think I just realized that 'having faith' is not about finding God or religion or about following some set of rules that meet some criteria and then you are "in" the kingdom of heaven. It's about letting go. About just having faith that things will work out for the greater good and that no matter how tightly I try to hold on to things I am comfortable with, that they will inevitably change, and I, Spitfire, cannot do one thing about it. I mean look, I'm really not the same girl i was 3 years ago...I'm not that crazy and wild person anymore - and that is ok!"
So I have decided to have a little faith - in GG. He deserves it, doesn't he? All those men before him always had conditional love for me. His is unconditional. He has faith and trust in me. I must give him the same in return.
Last night I was up until 3am making - yes, hand made- 10 valentines - 1 for every hour that he is at work. He can open the 'tines at the top of the hour and then open a small gift associated with it. Cheesy, I know. Of course, the final valentine is a pic of me in sexy lingerie tell him to come home and not to be late...i took it with the digital camera he got me for my birthday - I look GOOD. :-) I will be wearing only that and the beautiful 250 dollar watch I got for him...(get it...don't be late...open only on the hour...) ok ok, it's bad, I know. So far, it is one of the most special and fun valentines days I've ever had!