Spitfire Spark

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ordinary Days

I usually find it therapeutic to blog because I'm upset or distressed about something or something BIG has just happened to me.

However, today is just an average day. I woke up. Went to work. Surfed the net. Decided I was going to go on a South American expedition for 12 weeks in September. You know, the usual.

But I received and IM from my one and only. He projected the time we would be apart to be something like 120,000 minutes. 84 days...

We both can't wait to leave the armpit of the city we live in. I told him that I would rather spend a lifetime in Shitsville loving him, than 12 weeks without him. At first, I was just being funny. Then I thought about it. I realized I meant it.

So it was not an average day, afterall. I have found the one. He is my Neo.


Blogger Maple said...

Welcome back - we missed you!

5:46 AM  

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